Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Health Issues

Health Issues


Unhealthy diseases like bulimia, anorexia, and binge eating are harmful and even deadly. If you suspect a friend, family, or yourself is suffering from any of those diseases, it is crucial you seek help in addressing the situation. Typically younger woman are more affected by this disease than men, but almost every cohort is affected. Common symptoms of anorexia and bulimia are extreme concern with body weight and shape as well as inappropriate compensatory behavior such as fasting, compulsive exercise, and/or self-induced vomiting. Moreover, the symptoms of binge eating disorder include feeling out of control over eating behavior during episodes of eating large quantities of food in short periods of time. This comes along with feelings of depression, guilt, or disgust by the behavior. Nobody is perfect, but only you can be the perfect you! Be proud of who you are and protect your health.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015



 In addition to a balanced and complete diet, it is advantageous for certain individuals to take supplements. Please exercise caution as these products are subject to very few safety standards by the FDA. Based upon research by reputable health magazines and testimonials by third parties, Gold Standard stands alone in quality without additives. Whey protein is easy to digest and assists your body by giving the raw materials it needs to repair torn muscle "fibers" that occur during a safe workout. Taking Whey in addition to your post-work out meal ensures maximization of muscle gain. Don't hesitate to consult your doctor or nutritionist to determine if you may need additional supplements or vitamins. Often a simple blood analysis will reveal vitamin D deficiencies, most notably in individuals with high melanin in their skin. Just like a mechanic knows the inter-workings of his car, so should you know your body. There is much debate to whether or not taking a daily vitamin is beneficial, but research shows that high vitamin levels could increase your risk for cancer. With this, do not consume more that 200% of your recommended daily vitamin intake.

Monday, April 6, 2015



Have you ever heard the saying, "No pain, No Gain?" Well I am here to tell you that this is partially true. Feeling moderately sore after a workout is perfectly normal, however, sharp pain caused by strained muscles and torn ligaments is never beneficial. Often the excitement of being in the gym and hearing the pulsing music echoing would make anyone want to jump right into lifting. On the contrary, this is not healthy. Before every workout, make sure to spend 10 to 15 minutes stretching to prevent injury. Also, completing warm up reps at a reduced weight will further your ability to lift big and reduce the chance of injury. When considering workout routines I suggest using the app "JEFIT." It allows you to search their comprehensive database for specific workouts or you can create your own regimen. My favorite feature is the rep tracker that allows you to keep track of what you lifted in previous workouts. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Daily Nutrition

Daily Nutrition

Feeding your hungry muscles with a balanced diet is essential to muscle gain and overall health. To assist in maximum muscle gain, one must focus on daily calorie intake, type of calorie intake, and time of meals. The application called, "My Fitness Pal" is an incredible resource that will generate your target calorie intake to either gain, maintain, or lose weight. Its’ best feature is the bar-code reader that records and counts the food items’ nutritional value. Depending on your body type you will need to adjust the type of calories you consume. In order to lose weight, try to reduce your fat intake and increase your protein consumption and vice-versa if you are trying to gain weight. For example, seeds like almonds are high in fat and meat like grilled chicken is high in protein. Lastly, the post-work out meal is the most important in rebuilding muscle and should never be skipped. Covering all your food groups and using these tips will put you on the right track to being a Healthy Body Builder.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Support Network

Support Network

As you embark on your journey to reach your peak fitness and body building form, realize that you are not alone. Having a support group not only promotes friendly competition, but creates a safety net to ensure a healthy mind. Body building is first and foremost, an art. Being fit and healthy is your responsibility. Any decision to change who you are should be questions you discuss with your family and friends. Having a personal trainer can be critical in supporting your workout regimen. Having someone to push you in the right direction of eating healthy, exercising consistently, and staying positive is important. Furthermore, using the buddy system in the gym is beneficial for spotting and for the occasional push at the end of a strenuous rep. Think of the gym as a group study where everyone brings their collective knowledge to teach one another.